How can Naturopathy support you?

Naturopathy is a holistic approach to treating an individual. It uses evidence-based science, along with functional testing, nutrition and traditional herbal medicine to treat the whole person. Its main aim is to get to the root cause of a presenting condition. This means that once the root cause is identified and treated the presenting symptoms will disappear and not return long term.

A bit about Zoe..

Zoe is a clinical bachelor-certified naturopath, as well as a certified yoga and meditation teacher. She was awarded Student of the Year 2022 by the Australian Traditional Medicine Society for her dedication to her studies and volunteering in Fiji and Vietnam performing health checks.

Zoe discovered naturopathy in her early 20s after a 10-year battle with chronic cystic acne and an irregular period. She was relieved to finally find a modality that saw her as a whole person and acknowledged her feelings as well as discussed nutrition and lifestyle.

Zoe has a gentle approach, with an empathetic nature. She is extremely passionate about health and healing and is excited to support anyone who believes they will be a good fit.

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